Friday, 29 January 2016

where to next

Like I mentioned in one of the other posts that i did not like the other coast line ! apart from the lizard i have come back to the A39  and I'm making my way up north.
 Hopefully calling into Westwood Hoe! ,Barnstaple, IIfracombe, combe Martin and on to Porlock hill . Then I don't know either stay on the A39 then up to Weston-super-Mare or go inland Taunton, Glastonbury not sure No plan No Desanation.
 Above is a video taken from the lookout point above Boscastle looking over to tintagel look for thr church and the hotel. Then follow me down to the harbour

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

a drive though mullion to the harbour

A quick video of a drive though the village of mullion to the harbour
I then went on to Falmouth which was way to busy for me so did not stay drove up to Truro which again was manic so didn't bother stopping there either don't think I like this side of the coast at all ! so I'm having a cigar and a large drop of Bushmills now.

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Sandymouth Bay Cornwall

I had a cracking time at sandymouth bay ( Near bude) had plenty of time for photos and some video work.
On the way out i thought I would take another route back to the main road so instead of turning right and going back pasted the now closed tank museum and into Kilkhampton.
I turned left and headed for God knows I think it was the combe valley or other  anyway nice drive down a 15% hill and started going up a 15% hill came to a hairpin bend  which in its self was not a problem.
The problem was becouse it was a blind bend i had to go around it in first gear now the problem started could not get the speed up and all that was happening is the off side front wheel was spinning and burning rubber and I was rolling backwards having blocked the road off completely both ways in knew it was no use trying to go forwards the only thing i could do was reverse back down the hill to the nearest spot where I could turnaround. One kind lady in a BMW offerd to go and get her husband's 4×4  this would of been great only she was going towards home and needed to get past me to continue.
So I had to reverse around a couple of blind bends before i was able to turn around and continue with my journey .

Monday, 18 January 2016

mot time

My mot is due on Tuesday 19/o1/2016 I'm hoping everything going to be fine  like most people i worry about it. Not had the chance to look underneath in the last few months cos of the bad weather but mostly because of my aches and pains i cannot grip on a pair pliers nowadays. So doing any repairs myself is out of the question even holding a screwdriver is so bloody painful.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

6 months houseless

Hi all I have now been houseless for the last 6 months now and what a six months it has been .from handing the keys to the estate agent on 7th August it has been pure joy. The few days leading up to the moving out day were very hectic has you would expect them to be. Mostly with running around clearing all the bills and  the like fortunately I had been clearing the house of it contents over the previous 6 months selling off as much as possible.

There was never any second thoughts about what i was about to do I had been researching for the last three years on the possibility of living a life on the road.
If you take a look on youtube and search for the real hardcore motor homers that have given everything up either by choice or forced into a life on the road these are the people that learn the tricks and have all the tips to help you make your life in your campervan or motorhome more enjoyable.

I will say now if you have any doubts whatsoever about making this move do not do it if you are forced into making this move take a positive and confident  attitude and look forwards to a new start. If you are sure from the start and have some finance,s  this will make the transition a little easier but please bear in mind that the money will only buy you comfort living on campsites every day is just the same as living in a house .
Going out and looking for water taps ,looking for a nice spot to sleep,finding toilet facilities, going to a laundrette or indeed finding one nowadays  and having a decent long shower is a thing of the past. Try this at home from getting up in the morning fill one 2 ltr bottle up with water that is all you can have for the day for everything  your drinks for your personal washing your cooking and the washing of any pots you use and even for flushing the toilet. A tip for you if you save the water you wash and clean your teeth with  plus the water you cook and wash the pots with in a bucket you should have enough to flush your toilet waste .

Having toilet and shower facilities on board are a great plus but remember to empty your toilet and lose your gray waste responsibly you will need to go and a campsite .

When you have your motorhome  will you have solar panels Do you need  them will you have a lesure battery and use an inverter what backup plans have you got if you run out of gas for your heat and cooking .

Are you prepared to place a tin cup over a candle to make a brew or try to warm a tin of bean's. Would you be prepared to go to bed at 5 pm just to keep warm would you go into the bushes on a busy layby to do your business and bury it then burn the toilet paper.Or you can poo into a plastic bag and find a doggy bin.?
Can you cope with having a rag on a stick wash for a few days on the run  are you prepared to hand wash your socks and undes every other day. Wearing clean and well ironed clothing every day is not practical and the carrying of a full woredrobe of clothing is near impossible  most of us carry two or three sets of summer clothes then come winter two or three sets of winter clothes .

Before i sold up completely i lived in a self build camper for one full year only going to my house and using it has a place of work between normal working hours anything else was done from the van and everything above-mentioned was tried i even spent so time prententing to be drunk getting in and out of bed with a gas fire on the floor and cadles lit around the place.
The idea behind this was to see if in a state of drunkenness i would set fire to anything I did by the way . I also sat in the van with a gas fire full on with the commercially available  carbon monoxide alarms fitted in an attempt to set them off

Now what about the cost of living in a van this is quite hard to work out becouse everybody has different needs if your going to travel up and down the country your fuel costs are going to be high if staying in one area for a few weeks at a time your spend less on fuel ! cooking in the van will always be more cost effective than eating out all the time. The money you save by not moving all the time and finding a few laybys to sleep in few nights a week ! would more than cover a few nights on a campsite. So balance it out a little a bit of rough and a bit of smooth  In other words it can cost has much or as little as you wish.

The van life to me dictates the type of clothing you will wear i tend to wear hiking and walking boots along with heavy and loose jumpers and tops.

The van life is a great life but it's not and never will be a bed of roses
The freedom you gain  is priceless and worth more than all the possessions you will ever own.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Crowdy Reservoir

I'm parked up at crowdy Reservoir for the night thanks for the recommendation  ( Chris ). it would be a nice spot if I could only see though the mist and rain  a south west water's surcurity van parked up besides me at tea time and I thought I would be moved on . they left after half an hour so don't think I have anything to worry about  it is windy here with it being such an open space . at least the rocking of the van and the drop of jack Daniels should help me sleep tonight.there are loads of wild horses out in the fields (owned by someone) but left to roam free.