Just to wish you all a very merry christmas and happy new year in 2021
Photo Taken Near to Anderton Boat Lift A few years ago.
BRICK TO RUBBER. A blog about my travels on the road. NEW BLOGSPOT https://sbbguk.blogspot.com a Blog Just about my cigar box guitars/guitars and nothing else. ALL PHOTOGRAPHS and Videos © Brick to rubber unless otherwise stated.
Photo Taken Near to Anderton Boat Lift A few years ago.
This is why councils all over the country are starting to dislike motorhomes and campervans I just wish that I got a video of this happening. But I know what I have seen its things like this that are ruining everything for the motorhome and campervan community it is just another nail in the coffin we will soon lose the right to travel freely if attitudes don,t change
Please click on the link above to read the full story
Surely this is only going to increase the amount of fly-tipping in and around the area which already at a high level.
Business waste is on the increase not only builders waste I have seen contents of a photographer studio mostly office paper and old studio equipment in a layby this was of interest to me being a photographer myself. I will not name the shop but will Name the town Holsworthy Torridge in Devon
In this area, I have seen Boat trailers, Caravans, Asbestos panels, motorhome skylights, Kitchen refits, living room carpets, Three setter setee. Calor Gas bottles, Co2 bottles,o2 Even C02 bottles that had a Property of the NHS label on. endless amounts of babies nappies and adult nappies which are thrown into the hedgerows Bags of old Plaster and bricks Car, Van, and wagon wheels and tyres. The list is endless we are all guilty one way or another no matter how small.
I did see a program on tv where a council recycled all white items like washing machines, fridges and the like nothing was wasted every part was recycled in one way or another. Surely some of the money made from this could be made available to help combat the fly-tipping culture.
The Councils can only do so much we all need to help after all its Us that will ultimately pay the price.
No wonder Motorhomers are getting a bad name nowadays when you get pillocks like this parking anywhere.
They have stopped at least 3 Disabled drivers getting anywhere near the shop entrance.
Also, this is where Morrisons do the click and collect for the food to be picked up.
This is a hire motorhome so I will not show the reg No of the vehicle be pointless to do that on this occasion god help the motorhome community
when plonkers like this own there own motorhome.
3 Pushbikes on the rack and no sign of a disabled sticker in the van I gave up waiting after 1 1/2 hours sitting in the cafe. The Motorhome community are getting hell at the moment and unfortunately is only going to get worse. We get the blame for leaving all sorts of crap in the laybys from pee and poo and draining dirty water, which yes there have been a few cases just recently of this happening. I am not defending anybody here But in the lockdown, all the campsites were closed along with all the public toilets so some people were stuck and some were just foolish and very selfish for thinking that they could go and hide away somewhere.
No wonder people were giving the police van registrations numbers one village near here stopped serving anybody that did not live in that village.
With me, in the park-ups, most of the time I see what's going on and who is doing what. I did see one motorhome that had just left a caravan and camping club site pull up just behind me got out and opened the greywater tap to dump the wastewater in the layby I do have the Reg of this Van.
I find that a lot of self builds leave rubbish on the roadside along with cars I know this because I leave a video running and also have at least one hundred car and van registration numbers along with a few videos of the culprits in action.
Unfortunately, motorhomes are getting the blamed for everybody else
I have never seen a motorhome throwing costa coffee cups out of the windows or Mc Donald's but have seen an Aston Martin Vantage car do it and I have the reg number along with a photo.
Looking at all the crap that people left up in Scotland it is no wonder there is a lot of ill-feeling Motorhomers are by no means blameless. I along with quite a few others love the open countryside and appreciate that we can enjoy it without restrictions so for this reason, we try to look after it things are going to change and it is not going to be for the better.
So a big thank you to all the dirty selfish people out there that have now F??KED up the future for us all.