I am getting fed up of all the rubbish that's being dumped in the picnic areas and the laybys.
No matter where I go you find household rubbish everywhere at one time I would be defending the motorhomes and the camper van community but not any more.
And now the main holiday season has started there's no stopping them
Come on do you throw your baby and incontinence nappies out of your window at home into the garden so why the hell do you do it in the picnic areas.
I pulled up in one layby and some builder had dumped a bit of rubbish yet he was only a mile away from the local tip.
in the same layby was a caravan/motorhome wall gas fire dumped in the hedgerow.
in another was the large skylight window from out of a motorhome chucked in the grass verge It looked like that had left the laches off in the high winds we had a few days ago. expensive mistake to make this was even closer to the council tip about 600 meters from the entrance.
Bet your bottom dollar the first people to complain about the no overnighting and no parking, signs that start appearing all over will be the Motorhome and campervanners
If anybody reading this blog throws rubbish into the layby please think better of it after all it is you that pays for its removal one way or another.