Thursday, 22 August 2019

Layby rubbish

I am getting fed up of all the rubbish that's being dumped in the picnic areas and the laybys.
No matter where I go you find household rubbish everywhere at one time I would be defending the motorhomes and the camper van community but not any more.
And now the main holiday season has started there's no stopping them
Come on do you throw your baby and incontinence nappies out of your window at home into the garden so why the hell do you do it in the picnic areas.
I pulled up in one layby and some builder had dumped a bit of rubbish yet he was only a mile away from the local tip.

in the same layby was a caravan/motorhome wall gas fire dumped in the hedgerow.
in another was the large skylight window from out of a motorhome chucked in the grass verge It looked like that had left the laches off in the high winds we had a few days ago. expensive mistake to make this was even closer to the council tip about 600 meters from the entrance.

Bet your bottom dollar the first people to complain about the no overnighting and no parking, signs that start appearing all over will be the Motorhome and campervanners

If anybody reading this blog throws rubbish into the layby please think better of it after all it is you that pays for its removal one way or another.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Car boot rained off or was it !

Car boot was cancelled this weekend due to the bad weather that we had all week so a decision was made to cancel Sunday's car boot The forecast  for Sunday was bad for all day.
With no car boot to do I went to a local Cafe with my computer thought I not waste the day and spent the next six hours doing some film edits and tying up the files on computer unbeknown to me the sun had come out to play and the day had turned out to be a belter.
The car boot, however, had been cancelled and was on the facebook page telling the sellers not to turn up  I feel a little sorry for the organisers of the event because of the posts that he sometimes receives on Face book.
The point is if he does cancel and the weather brightens up every moans that they missed a selling opportunity but if he gives it the thumbs up and the sellers turn up and set out the stalls and then it pisses down they moan that they paid to get in  and him knowing it was going to rain so all he wanted was the  gate money and the event has been a washout .
A big car boot like this takes some organising all the porta loos need cleaning the helpers need to be there for the traffic control
This car boot attacks 300 plus sellers with upwards of a thousand punters on good weeks and about 70 sellers and 300 punters on a bad day.
Yes, it is a pain setting up shop only for it to be rained off but I'm sorry all you sellers ( me included ) you choose to be a car boot seller if you can't cope get yourself a High Street Shop or better still buy a farm and run a car boot yourselves.

Sunday, 11 August 2019

Update on the folk in the caravan.


I have been back and meet up with them again there both happy enough but still struggling to get any help saying that the chap does have an interview for a part-time job this week good luck with that.
I found out they were cooking what food they had on candles so to help I lent them the new gas bottle out of my newly fitted gas fire hopefully I will not be needing that for the next few weeks.
They have promised to replace this for me when its practical for them I am sure they won,t let me down.
In one way this is a good learning curve for them if there thinking of life on the road  this experience will allow them work out the likes and dislikes. living on a site with hookup and water taps, waste disposal shower blocks and washing machines is like living in a small house really.
Life on the road is not for everybody but i must say what you loose in material things you gain in other ways which are priceless. 

Thursday, 1 August 2019

I think I did a good deed today

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 New blog just for cigar box guitars

 I all I think I did a good deed today while parked up in a lay by that I use a lot I noticed a car and caravan that had not moved for a good while.
I could tell this by the grey water line on the road on walking past must admit I was being a little nosey.
I managed to talk to one of the occupants I was told that they had been living on a site up north and the day after they handed over £600 for the next months' rent the police turned up and closed down the site.
It turns out that it was an unlicensed site and everybody was evicted there and then not knowing what to do for the best they came down to Devon/Cornwall.
They had no jobs no money and got no help from the social, or the local council so stuck in a lay by with no gas no means of charging the caravan battery, but worst of all they both had not eaten for the last two days.
So what would you do to help what I did was only a small gesture but hopefully a good one I emptied the content of my fridge and food cupboard put it in a box and took it over to them?
I also so offered to drive the 20 miles to take them into the local town so they could seek some help and wait for them.
This is the point where their pride overtook their commonsense and declined the offer they did accept the food which I was glad to give them. I remember myself some 30 years ago living off a mars bar a day for what seemed to be forever being helped by an X girlfriend who brought me food at the weekends.  The last week in the month for me is the week I live off the food items in the fridge and the fresh food/veg in cupboard.
I hope that my actions have helped the couple out, well it has at least feed them for a few days It really hurts me to see this happening to people nowadays I do think that the shock of them being evicted and the loss of the month's rent Has not helped them mentally at all.
They were not Gypsies or tinkers just normal folk that wanted to live outside of society just like me and thousands of others.