Friday, 12 July 2019

Very Scary Incident.

Hi all  I had a very scary incident this week while taking a walk  I had the need to walk down the busy A39 only for a short distance maybe 1/4 of a mile.
sticking to the highway code rule of facing the oncoming traffic  I saw a car travelling towards me and placed myself close to the hedgerow .I looking at the oncoming car and noted it come off the centre line and moving over closer to the curb not being able to go anywhere I pushed myself into the hedgerow .
unfortunately the cars wing mirror hit my elbow hard  the driver carried on and never came back to see what had happened.
I was in shock a little to say the least but not really in a lot of pain other than a big lump and my elbow and a small graze from contact with the wing mirror.
A lady travelling in the other direction did not see the incident but was aware something was wrong and travelled another mile to turn around and see if I was OK Picking me up and taking me back to my van.
My friends from one of the village’s where I was heading for came and picked me up making sure that i was OK  taking back to there house we phoned the police to report the incident  and going down to the station to fill in a report taking along with me the cover from the wing mirror that I picked up off the road.

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