Tuesday, 29 September 2015

My New Van

While I was at St Michaels mount  looking on ebay  this autocruse Wentworth  came up for sale this is the only other van I would of considered buying I would  of much sooner have an other built to my spec than bought something that would of just done.
Two years ago I was giving a look around one of these and felt that it would be just the right type of van for my needs.
Anyway I was down south and this was over 400 miles away up north what do I do leave it or go see it must admit I left it for a few days thinking another will turn up in a month or two when winter sets in ?.
But curiosity got the better of me  and a phone called was made 11 hours later with only one stop for fuel I was within a few miles of the van.

Quick phone call to let them know I will call in the morning deal done I have a nice van and put my other in part ex.

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